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13 de juin de 2023

Navires de la flotte

Fleet ships are a group of naval vessels that operate together under a single command structure. They are organized and deployed for various purposes, including defense, power projection, and conducting operations at sea. Fleet ships are usually grouped into task forces, task groups, or squadrons, depending on their size and composition.

Fleet ships can include a variety of vessels, such as aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, submarines, amphibious assault ships, and support vessels. The composition of a fleet depends on its mission and the naval capabilities of the country or organization that operates it.

Fleet ships are typically used to project naval power, protect maritime interests, enforce maritime law, support ground operations, and provide humanitarian assistance. They often engage in exercises and operations to maintain readiness and interoperability with allied forces.

It’s worth noting that specific details regarding fleet ships, such as their exact composition, capabilities, and deployments, can vary widely depending on the country, time period, and geopolitical situation.

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